Spaghetti meatballs, you know?

[English below]

Eccoci qua con un articoletto dal sapore internazionale… Dai viaggi passati e poi dalla esperienza in Germania ho capito che tra i piatti italiani più famosi all’estero la fanno da padrone gli spaghetti meatballs.

Tutte le volte che qualcuno me li nomina resto sempre un pò perplessa e penso “ma quando mai li ho mangiati in Italia? Ma chi li mangia in Italia?”

E’ successo che…

Un paio di mesi fa una ragazza tedesca mi ha detto “Voi italiani pensate di saper fare tutto meglio di tutti!” , io ho risposto “Perchè è vero!” . Vorrei tornare indietro e dirle “Perchè siamo dei presuntuosi – sappiamo cucinare, ma pur sempre presuntuosi!”

Ebbene, partiamo dal presupposto che gli spaghetti con le polpette non sono una ricetta italiana ma, a onor del vero, va detto che è un adattamento/reinterpretazione di ricette della nostra bella Italia. Di fatto, la tradizione culinaria ed in modo particolare quella del meridione, contempla la preparazione delle polpette al sugo che vengono accompagnate alla pasta (vedi l’Abruzzo o la mia Campania con le lasagne di carnevale).

La ricetta degli spaghetti meatballs nasce però in America dove i nostri compaesani migranti cercavano di tenere vive le proprie tradizioni. Da lì in poi è stato un successone tanto da diventare uno dei piatti italiani più conosciuti ed amati. Un piatto internazionale, politically correct, che mette tutti d’accordo e che viene servito nella maggior parte dei ristoranti italiani nel mondo. Ma poi, ve li ricordate Lilly e il Vagabondo? Forse non esiste un piatto più romantico nell’immaginario comune!

Abbiamo una delle tradizioni culinarie più buone del mondo; ne sono fermamente convinta, non smetterò mai di dirlo e di continuare a celebrarla ogni giorno. E’ un dovere celebrare la nostra storia attraverso il cibo. Ma è anche vero che, noi italiani, siamo schizzinosi e storciamo facilmente il muso davanti a qualcosa che non conosciamo bene… ecco dovremmo smetterla!

La Ricetta

Spaghetti meatballs – Gli spaghetti con le polpette

Insomma, ho deciso di farli anch’io. Ho deciso di provare l’abbinamento polpette/spaghetti. Li ho preparati secondo la mia ricetta delle polpette, come se preparassi il sugo della domenica!

Ve lo confesso: ho capito perchè tutti li amano così tanto!!!

Ingredienti per 4 persone / 4 people


  1. Cuoci gli spaghetti in acqua salata e lasciali ben al dente
  2. Condisci con il sugo e le polpette che hai preparato seguendo la mia ricetta.

Gusta questa bontà magari con un amico ‘mmericano!!!

English Version

Here we are with an article with an international flavor… Through my travels and, more recently, from my experience in Germany I learnt that one of the most well recognised Italian dishes abroad are spaghetti meatballs. Every time someone mentions them to me I’m always a little puzzled and I think “but when did I ever eat them in Italy? who eats them in Italy?”

A Few months ago a German girl said to me, “Italians think they can do everything better than everyone else!” I said, “Because it’s true!” I’d like to go back and say “Because we’re cocky – we know we can cook, but we are still cocky!”

We should begin by agreeing that spaghetti and meatballs is not an Italian recipe but rather, it is an adaptation/re-interpretation of recipes from our beautiful Italy. In fact, the culinary tradition especially in southern Italy, includes the preparation of meatballs with tomato sauce that can be served with pasta (see Abruzzo or my Campania with carnival lasagne).

The recipe for spaghetti meatballs, however, originated in America where our migrant countrymen tried to keep their traditions alive. From then on it was such a success that it became one of the most famous and loved Italian dishes. An international, politically correct dish that everybody loves and that is served in most Italian restaurants around the world. But then, do you remember what Lilly and the Vagabond ate?

We have one of the finest culinary traditions in the world; I firmly believe it, I will never stop saying it and continue to celebrate it every day. It is our duty to celebrate our history through food. But it’s also true that we Italians are picky and we easily turn our nose up at something we don’t know well… maybe we should just stop!


Spaghetti meatballs

I decided to do it. I decided to try the meatball/spaghetti combination. I made them according to my meatball recipe, like I make my own Sunday sauce!

I confess: I understand why everyone loves them so much!!!!

As with most popular recipes, everyone has their own version. I don’t know if mine is the best but those who ate them always cleaned their plate!!!!

For me, the meatballs have to be soft, juicy. It’s very important that the sauce is not too thin and watered down but rather full-bodied and tasty, in short it must wrap the meatball!

A little secret: generally when I prepare meatballs – but also other sauces with meat or broth – I never forget the “rest” phase. Let me explain it better: once the cooking time is over, I turn off the heat, cover and let it rest until it cools down: this allows the sauce to settle and the flavours blend. Try to believe!!!


  • 250g mixed minced meat (pork/beef)
  • 2 slices of bread in a box
  • 1 whole egg
  • tomato puree
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • 1 celery stolk
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1/2 onion
  • salt
  • pepper
  • enough milk to wet the bread
  • bay leaf
  • basil


  1. Add the 2 slices of bread to an appropriately-sized bowl and add the milk, soak the bread and squeeze out the milk after 10 minutes
  2. In a bowl, mix the meat, milk-soaked bread, egg, salt and pepper. Knead until you obtain a consistent and easily shape-able mould with your hands [if it is too humid add a little breadcrumbs].
  3. Form the meatballs with your hands, try to make them about the same size. I never make them too big.
  4. Meanwhile, in a large pot with high edges, fry the oil with the chopped celery, carrots and onion. Let the covered vegetables wither well and leave the heat low for about 10 min.
  5. Turn up the heat and add the meatballs. Give them time to brown on all sides.
  6. Add the tomato puree together, enough to cover the meatballs. 
  7. Add the salt and a bay leaf…
  8. Let’s cook for 30 min at least then turn off the heat and let it rest.
  9. The meatballs are ready!!!!!!
  10. Now cook spaghetti in boiling salted water, don’t overcook it.
  11. Dress them with the sauce and meatballs.


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